SC09 Steering Committees
Steering Committee
Steering Committee Chair
Patricia J. Teller, University of Texas at El Paso
Steering Committee Member
David H Bailey, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Donna Cappo, ACM
Dona Crawford, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Candace Culhane, DOD
Jack Dongarra, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Lynne Harris, IEEE Computer Society
Barry V. Hess, Sandia National Laboratories
Jeffrey K. Hollingsworth, University of Maryland
Anne Marie Kelly, IEEE Computer Society
Scott Lathrop, University of Chicago
Satoshi Matsuoka, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Wilfred Pinfold, Intel Corporation
Daniel A. Reed, Microsoft Corporation
James H. Rogers, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Rob Schreiber, HP Labs
Jennifer Teig von Hoffman, Boston University
Becky Verastegui, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Laurence T. Yang, St. Francis Xavier University, Canada
Steering Committee Admins
Linda Duncan, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Michele Klamer, Microsoft Corporation
Katie Thomas, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory